On Saturday, February 1, 2020, the Ruesch Clinic in Naples, organizes a day dedicated to pregnant women in any gestational era. We are waiting for you at the Center for Gynecological and Prenatal Ultrasound in Ruesch Clinic to perform a fetal ultrasound. Depending on the pregnancy period, the examination will analyze the necessary parameters (also morphological/structural examination between 18 and 22 weeks). For this day it will be possible to make the service at the price of 40.00 euros For information and reservations: T. – 39 0817178470 – whatsapp only: 34218980333 T cup@clinicaruesch.it. Alfredo Pinto At the Center for Gynecological and Prenatal Ultrasound we take care of the control of the regular development of the fetus and the evolution of pregnancy through standard ultrasound examinations (morphological ultrasound, flumetry) or advanced (echocardiography, neurosonosis) as well as performing maternal non-invasive tests (combined tests, NIPT) or invasive investigations (amniocentesis, villocentesis) for the analysis of chromosomal and genetic diseases. While the previous generations arrived at childbirth with little information, today couples waiting for a baby can have specific information about their health since the first trimester of pregnancy. Our center offers the opportunity to accompany the woman during pregnancy, offering a wide range of services, invasive and non-invasive, tailored according to the clinical history of each. An accurate collection of personal and family data (familiarity for chromosomal or genetic diseases, infections in pregnancy, fetal malformations) performed during acceptance will allow to apply the most appropriate method to the case for proper knowledge of the health of the fetus. The center is made up of experienced specialists in the diagnostic and prenatal field using sophisticated ultrasound equipment and support software for accurate fetal surveillance. Integrated ultrasound and laboratory screening tests are also carried out for the prevention of preterm birth and preeclampsia (gestures) and for the identification of fetal lung maturity. The purpose of our team is to provide specialist and accurate care for the control of the fetus and pregnancy adhering to industry guidelines to provide reassuring support to pregnant couples. The same attention is paid to the gynecological examination, both for prevention and as a deepening of diagnosis of endometriosis, neoformative ovarian or wall and uterine pathologies. Fertility assessment is carried out by ultrasound study of tubular pervity using eco-reflective gel and uterine conformation with three-dimensional ultrasound[/et_pb_text]