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Wednesday, May 22, 2019, at 19.30, at the center of the clinic Ruesch study will be held the conference: "Assisted fertilization in Italy: State of the art and legislation in force".

The conference that has as theme the assisted fertilization: a parterre of Speakers of Excellence will examine it both from a medical point of view, with the exposition of the most modern techniques of medically assisted procreation, that from a legal point of view, placing The emphasis on the rules that regulate it in our country. Th

ey will interv
ene: Dr. Francesco Merlino, general manager of the Ruesch Clinic; the
professor Filippo Maria Ubaldi, gynecologist, clinical director of the medically Assisted procreation centers G. EN. E. R. A. Dot
t. SSA Laura Rienzi, an expert biologist in clinical Embryology, director of the laboratories of the G. EN centres. E
.R.A. Adolfo Russo, president of the Bar Association of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, already an aggregate professor of legal aspects of bioethics at the University of Naples Federico II;
Dott. SSA Manuela Fontana, magistrate of the Court of N

apoliModera the Debate Dr. Diego Domenico Fasulo, adviser and member of the Medical commission of the Rotaract Club Caserta Terra di work 1968 and organizer of the Conference

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