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Saturday 19 October, all together to donate the Blood and Save your life!
The Ruesch Clinic, and its employees and collaborators, the Rotaract clubs of District 2100 (RAC Avellino Est, RAC Fractious Doors of Naples, RAC Benevento ,RAC Capua Antica and Nova , RAC Caserta "Luigi Vanvitelli", RAC Caserta Reggia Club, RAC Caserta – Terra of Work , RAC Maddaloni Valle di Suessola , RAC Napoli Castel Sant'Elmo , RAC Napoli North , RAC Napoli North East, RAC Octavian, RAC Pozzuoli, RAC Scafati Angri Realvalle), together with Avis, and ASL Napoli 1, organized SATURDAY 19 OTTOBRE a morning for donation Blood.
We take this opportunity to inform and list below the "features" required of those who want to apply for donors.
To give how old do you have to be?
From 18 to 60 years old you can apply to become a donor.
Anyone wishing to donate for the first time after the age of 60 can be accepted at the discretion of the doctor responsible for the selection.
You can continue to donate until your age of 65 and up to the age of 70 after assessing your health status.
Not less than 50 kg.
No risky behavior that could compromise our health and/or that of those who receive our blood.
Eligibility for donation is determined by a doctor through an interview, clinical evaluation and a series of laboratory tests to ensure the safety of the donor and recipient.
The full list of the donor's physical requirements is contained in Annex IV of the Ministry of Health's Decree of 2 November 2015 with "Dispositions relating to the requirements for the quality and safety of blood and blood components".
4 months: after piercings, tattoos, non-repeated risky sex (occasional, promiscuous), major surgeries, acupuncture, endoscopies (e.g. gastroscopy, colonoscopy).
6-12 months: after returning from travel to areas where there is a risk of contracting tropical infectious diseases.
6 months: after childbirth.
Different periods: for vaccinations, infectious diseases, taking medicines.
Permanent exclusion: positivity for HIV, hepatitis B and C tests, chronic diseases.
The full list of suspension criteria is contained in Annex III of the Ministry of Health's Decree of 2 November 2015 with "Dispositions relating to the requirements for the quality and safety of blood and blood components".
Before each donation, the donor (or would-be donor) is required to complete a questionnaire aimed at knowing his health (present and past) and lifestyle.
The next interview and a visit with a doctor will help to deepen the answers to the questions in the questionnaire.
On the morning of the pick-up it is preferable to have made a light breakfast based on fresh or squeezed fruit, unsweetened tea or coffee, unseasoned bread or other simple carbohydrates.
In order to ensure high levels of blood quality and safety and to protect the health of both the donor and patients, the blood taken is subjected to the following examinations at each donation:
Comprehensive hemochromocytometric examination.
Examinations for biological blood and blood qualification listed below:– HBsAg
(surface antigen of viral hepatitis virus B);– Antibody
antibody (antibody against viral hepatitis virus C);– Serolog
ical test for research combined anti-HIV antibody (antibody against AIDS virus)
1-2 and HIV antigen 1-2;– Anti
-Treponema Pallidum antibodies (TP) with immunometric method (against syphi
lis);– HBV/HCV/HIV 1 NAT (test to detect the presence of hepatitis virus B, C and AIDS).
The following blood group determination examinations are also performed on the first donation:
ABO phenotype by direct and indirect testing.
Complete Rh phenotype.
Determining the Kell antigen and, in case of positivity, research of the antigen Cellano.
Search for irregular anti-erythrocyte antibodies.
The periodic donor is also subjected, at least annually, to the following hematochemical checks: blood sugar, creatininemia, alanin-amino-transferase, total cholesterol emiamia and HDL, tincitridemia, total protidemia, ferritinemia.
After withdrawal, a refreshment is offered to replenish liquids and improve post-donation comfort and no risky activities and/or hobbies should be carried out.
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