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On Sunday, October 20, 2019, the Ruesch Clinic in Naples, in collaboration with MEDINOVA, organizes a day dedicated to the Prevention of Ophthalmology and Pediatric Ortoptics.
The visit, for children from 3 to 5 years old, is the ideal time for a first meeting with the ophthalmologist, to highlight visual defects and to prevent and treat the known ambliopia, more commonly, as the lazy eye. From 6 to 10 years is the period when school commitment makes it necessary to correct with glasses of common vision defects such as hyperopia and astigmatism that manifest themselves with headaches, burning eyes, difficulty reading, whereby the child appears incorrectly listless.
From 11 to 14 years is the time of development and therefore it is possible the appearance of myopia, the difficulty in seeing from afar.
Maybe it is superfluous, but it is better to point it out: the only professional who can cure the eyes of your children is the specialist doctor in ophthalmology!
It will be possible to carry out the pediatric eye assessment at the SPECIAL TARIFFA of 50.00 which includes the following medical-diagnostic services:
- Eye examination (measuring visus and refraction)
- Testing the four lights of Worth
- Eye motility
- Lang Stereotest
- Eye fund (if deemed necessary by specialist)
Eye Acceptance: Mondays through Fridays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. – T. – 39 081.7178.476 – M. – 39 345.281.3192 [also WhatsApp]
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