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From the lab to the clinic, in the fight against cancer and beyond…

Friday, June 21, 2019 at the center of the clinic Ruesch study will be held the conference: "Precision Medicine, genomics in the service of medicine; From the lab to the clinic, in the fight against cancer and beyond… "

ECM COURSE – 4 Credits-Id-Event 3322-265683

The course is aimed at the following professionals: Nurses, biologists, laboratory technicians, diagnostic radio technicians, biomedical laboratory technicians, medical specialists and general practitioners.

The conference, also of a populative nature, is aimed at those who wish to know how and how much the decoding of the human genome is rewriting the medical sciences, changing the paradigms of prevention, diagnosis and care.

The course was accredited to the National Commission for Continuing Education in medicine (ECM) of the Ministry of Health for the following professionals: Medical specialists, general practitioners, biologists, nurses, laboratory technicians, Radiodiagnostics technicians.

The necessary registration for CME, free of charge, can be carried out on the day of the event.

Active subscriptions until the available seats are exhausted.


15.30 Greetings and opening of works

Antonio Merlino-Carlo Varelli 

15.45 Introduction:

           Antonio Abbadessa 


Rewriting the medical sciences: How genomics is changing the way we do medicine

Richard from the Favera  

16.30 Precision medicine: from Dreams to reality

         Presents: Alessandro Weisz           

         Rapporteur: Mr Francesco Perrone 

17.00 The Laboratory of Molecular Biology: without there is no precision medicine

         Presents: Francesco Bresciani

         Rapporteur: Mr Marco Varelli

Round Table

Antonio Abbadessa, Gerardo Casucci, Franco Pepe, Alessandro Weisz 

 18.00 conclusion and closure of works: 

Antonio Merlino-Carlo Varelli 


Scientific manager

Antonio Abbadessa


Antonio Abbadessa

Already Dir. S.i. of Oncohematology and professor of hematology and oncology, Second University of Naples.

Hematology-Oncology, Clinic Ruesch (Naples)

Francis Bresciani

Emeritus of General Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Second University of Naples.

Say. Laboratory analysis, Clinic Ruesch (Naples)

The Castro

AT the nursing home S. Francesco Telese Terme (NL), founding partner F. I. CEF. -Fondazione Italiana Cefalee (Naples)

Richard from the Favera

Say. Institute for Cancer Genetics, Columbia University, New York (NY)

Anthony Merlin

President of Nursing Home Clinic Ruesch (Naples) and clinic Montevergine (Mercogliano-AV)

Frank Pepe

Master artisan Bakers, Cav. Merit of the Italian Republic, award-winning Ambassador of the Mediterranean diet in the world (Caiazzo, Caserta)

John Perrone

Say. S.C. clinical trials. National Cancer Institute, Pascale Foundation (Naples)

Charles Varelli

Say. Diagnostic section for images, Varelli Diagnostic Institute (Naples)

Mark Varelli

Say. Laboratory analysis, Diagnostic Institute Varelli (Naples)

Alexander Weisz

Ordinary of general pathology and Dir. Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Genomics, University of Salerno (Salerno)


Provider and Organizational Secretariat

Health in Progress-ID provider 3322

Piazza Ettore Vitale, 48-80126 Napoli

Tel. 081 191.047.04 Fax 081 189.518.07





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